What is a Twitter Party?

by Melanie Boylan
Social Media How To’s and Top Tips

So go on then, what is a Twitter Party... have you come across one yet? I suppose I was a bit of a late bloomer to them, but they are pretty easy to pick up.

Let's do a question and answer and see what you think of them?

Most industries, counties and countries have them, though finding the right ones are the trick. How do you find out which one is the right one?

There are Twitter parties for beauty, conferences, hotels, events, books, pretty much most things to be honest. They can be found by trending lists, Google searches or just recommendations too.

Lots of events have a hashtag (#) so people can "Live Tweet" the event in the hope of course that they trend. I take part in several hashtags on a weekly basis fairly regularly and they do trend in Ireland you know there is a good few people taking part, which is the ultimate goal to raise awareness of the Hashtag

What is the benefit of Tweeting?

It is normally targeted at your profiled audience of choice and fortunately some people outside of it (if you hashtag properly) also get to hear about you too. If you make your tweet to the point and amusing it also raises its chances of be retweeted to other peoples followers. You can mention all of your #social #media pages, events coming up, website and discounts on this incredibly fast and FREE medium and generate brand awareness and a client base.

The great thing about partaking in a Twitter Party is you can actually watch people buying and selling at these events. You may find an offer up for grabs and this is your opportunity to buy. Relationships need to be worked on and built on and a Twitter Party can help you with that.

How often must I take part to benefit from it?

Honestly, you have to tweet very regularly in between and several times a day and find your customers responding at the right times of day. However, most Twitter Partys are once a week and the more regularly you attend them and get involved - the better the chance that people will keep you top of their mind when they are thinking of using your service or product.

Tweeting at other times

People tend to check their twitter accounts first thing on the way into work/getting up in the morning, mid morning break, lunch, mid afternoon, on the way home and after 6:30pm most days but that can change depending on social factors, weather, big national event etc. It can take time to learn when best to contact your client base but until you do, you must tweet informative content, retweet others content and on a regular basis.

Retweet others at a Twitter Party

I don't have time to post that often!

Very true, most people don't have time including me! Even though it is our business (as business owners with social media platforms) to be online most of the day, we still have clients to see, networking to do and provide the once in a while family time.

I personally use a few different third party apps such as Postplanner and Hootsuite or whatever apps my clients wish me to use for them. These apps help me find content to share that is relevant to my audience. I of course create my own unique content too. More importantly for me though is to manage my time better. I like to use these third party apps to share out content so that I can still get time with my family.

I use my iPhone to respond to any tweets during the day using the FREE Twitter app, which I would highly recommend you download from the App store today.

Top Tips:

Type #Twitter Hour or what ever hashtag you intend to follow in the Search bar of your Twitter account.

Check through Top Tweets, then look at Latest and take part in all conversations happening through that Hashtag.

Retweet people who are asking for it and "heart" others if you acknowledge, understand or agree with what they say.

Make sure you comment too! Ask people to visit your website/Facebook Page. Look at an offer etc. Also just chat with people too, ask about their day and what they have coming up...

Make sure you Retweet others regularly as your Twitter Handle - not just at a Twitter Party. People are more likely to share you if you share them.

Make sure you keep the apps you use every day on the Home screen of your phone so you don't need to search for them and miss notifications.

Stay within the 280 characters without making it 2 hard 2 read. Text speak is OK but don't reduce the whole content of the tweet to it, it's annoying, unprofessional and unclear when people just flick through them.

Use an amusing, emotive image. Normally a bright image or something that makes you feel something when looking at it (happy, reminiscent, etc)

Don't be afraid to repeat tweets on occasion if it gives you the right results, do it again!

Don't forget you were successful in your business before tweeting, remember to still respond and interact with your clients in the real world, clients have got used to contact with you in that way, so don't drop it in favour of Twitter!

Have fun!

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